
босс имя существительное:
босс (boss, honcho, Man, master)
хозяин (host, owner, Master, boss, proprietor, manager)
шеф (chief, boss, honcho, patron, old man)
руководитель (head, leader, manager, director, supervisor, boss)
выступ (projection, ledge, protrusion, lip, lug, boss)
бобышка (boss, lug, teat)
прилив (rush, high tide, flow, boss, flood, lug)
втулка (sleeve, bushing, hub, bush, hob, boss)
утолщение (thickening, thickness, boss, bulb, nub, lug)
ступица (hub, nave, boss, hob)
выпуклость (convex, convexity, bulge, bump, camber, boss)
упор (stop, thrust, rest, detent, pawl, boss)
шишка (cone, lump, bump, knob, hotshot, boss)
десятник (foreman, ganger, headman, boss, taskmaster, overman)
предприниматель (entrepreneur, employer, industrialist, manufacturer, undertaker, boss)
шток (stock, rod, boss, shoot)
рельефное украшение (boss)
штейгер (foreman, mine foreman, captain, boss)
купол (dome, cupola, top, bell, boss, pot)
распоряжаться (dispose of, control, order, boss, instruct, hold the balance)
управлять (manage, control, run, drive, operate, boss)
хозяйничать (boss, boss the show)
быть хозяином (boss)
промахиваться (miss, overshoot, mishit, boss, blunder, muff)
делать выпуклый орнамент (boss)
обтачивать ступицу (boss)
портить дело (mess, mess up, fumble about, boss)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "boss" в других словарях:

  • boss — boss …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Boss —  Boss …   Hochdeutsch - Plautdietsch Wörterbuch

  • Boss — (englisch: Chef) bezeichnet: umgangssprachlich einen Vorgesetzten, siehe Vorgesetzter einen Bekleidungshersteller, siehe Hugo Boss einen Hersteller von elektronischen Geräten für Musiker, siehe BOSS eine Holzachterbahn, siehe The Boss (Six Flags… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • boss — [ bɔs ] n. m. • 1869, répandu XXe; mot angl. amér., du holl. ♦ Fam. Patron, chef d une entreprise. ⇒ singe. « Enfin, si mon boss est heureux avec ça, c est le principal, au fond » (Sarrazin). Des boss. ⊗ HOM. Bosse. ● boss nom masculin (américain …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Boss of Me — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Boss Of Me EP de They Might Be Giants Publicación 16 de julio, 2001 Género(s) Rock alternativo …   Wikipedia Español

  • BOSS — (homonymie)  Pour les articles homophones, voir Bosse et Beauce. Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Boss, « patron » en argot anglais, peut faire référence à : dans le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • boss — [bɒs ǁ bɒːs] noun [countable] informal 1. the person who employs you or who is in charge of you at work: • I ll have to ask my boss for a day off. 2. a manager with an important position in an organization: • What they need to do is lobby… …   Financial and business terms

  • boss — boss·age; boss·dom; boss·i·ness; boss·ing; boss·ism; boss; co·boss; de·boss; em·boss·er; em·boss·ment; em·boss; …   English syllables

  • boss — s.m. Supraveghetor peste muncitorii dintr o întreprindere în S.U.a.; p. ext. (fam.) şef. – cuv. engl. Trimis de valeriu, 17.01.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  TÁUR, tauri, s.m. 1. Masculul necastrat al vacii, apt pentru reproducţie (Bos taurus).* …   Dicționar Român

  • Boss AC — (real name Ângelo César) is a Portuguese rapper originally from Cape Verde. His albums include Ritmo, Amor e Palavras , Rimar contra a Maré and TPC .His most popular songs include: Dinero , Baza Baza , and Doa a Quem Doer . Although he lives in… …   Wikipedia

  • BOSS — Corporation Rechtsform öffentliches Unternehmen Gründung 1973 Sitz Hamamatsu …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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